Thursday, October 31, 2019
Module 10 World Alliance vs. World ChaosAmerican Foreign Policy in the Essay
Module 10 World Alliance vs. World ChaosAmerican Foreign Policy in the Twentieth Century - Essay Example The Vietnam War was never, at any stage of the conflict, popular with the American public and, indeed, the strikes and protests against this war are as much a part of US history as is the war itself. Given the undeniable unpopularity of the war, one can only assume that the United States' leadership had a rationale for involvement in this conflict. Accordingly, in order to arrive at an objective conclusion regarding the United States' involvement in this war, the political and historical context of the conflict shall be considered, following which the two alternate points of view shall be presented for determination of their respective strengths and weakness. The Vietnam War has its roots in the Viet Minh's struggle for the independence of Vietnam from Japanese control during the Second World War. The leader of this struggle, Ho Chi Minh, was a communist national who, although independent of USSR control, maintained friendly and cooperative relations with Moscow. Despite alliance with the Soviet Union, however, the United States actively supported Ho Chi Minh's bid for independence and, in assertion and affirmation of its support, the United States even trained Ho Chi Minh's guerilla fighters, preparing them for the seizure of their country and the declaration of Vietnam independence following World War II. Following Following the surrender of the Japanese Imperial Army in World War II, several factions emerged, demanding control over an independent Vietnam. The Japanese, however, awarded the Viet Minh control over the country and, on 2 September 1945, Ho Chi Minh declared his country's independence from French colonialism, expressing his confidence and hope in US support. There were several reasons for Ho Chi Minh's confidence. The first was the support which the United States had extended him in the training of Viet Minh guerillas. The second was the United States' opposition to European colonialism and support for independence. In other words, there was a string foundation for Ho Chi Minh's belief that the United States would support his government. The United States' international relations' priorities and agenda, however, underwent a significant shift following World War II and it did not support the Viet Minh. The Cold War had begun and the United States, who perceived of the world as being divided into two camps, the communist and the capitalist camps, was determined to curb the power of the Soviet Union. It saw the Soviet Union as a real threat to the West, to the United States and was utterly convinced that should it allow Vietnam to fall to communism, it would be directly contributing to the growth of Soviet Union and would be facilitating the domino effect, wherein one country after the other would fall to communism. The United States did not simply change its strategy vis--vis Vietnam and its earlier support of Ho Chi Minh, but went to war in order to ensure that Vietnam did not fall to communism, hence Soviet influence. Leadership of Vietnam became indeterminate. The United States was opposed to ho Chi Minh and Moscow supported him. Eventually, in the Geneva Conference of 1954, the country was partitioned until such a time hen national elections could be held and decides upon leadership. The United States chose Ngo Dinh Diem, an avowed anti-communist as the leader of
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Competitive Position Essay Example for Free
Competitive Position Essay In this assignment we tried to look into the Baja Autoââ¬â¢s own position in Indian domestic market and how it has performed in last year compare to local rivals. In addition, we suggest company to invest directly in Americaââ¬â¢s automobile industry as America and India is more or less similar in terms of operating multinational organisations. As, it is a long term investment and high risk strategy for company, we clinically analysed new market scenario and different aspects of it. 1.0 Competitive Position Baja Auto is ranked as the worldââ¬â¢s fourth largest two and three wheelers production company. It is in two wheelers and three wheelers Indian market since 1945 and recognised brand across Asia, Middle Eastern countries, Latin America. Bajaj Auto shares 26.70% of two wheelers market in India, fairly behind Hero Honda Motors which has 41.35% Indian customers, and ahead of TVS Motor Company which holds 18.14%. But when it comes to three wheelers vehicles, Bajaj Auto clearly control the majority of the market with 58.60%, much ahead then Piaggio Vehicles 32.70%. Bajajââ¬â¢s closest competitor in two wheelers market is Hero Honda Motors. Hero Honda sold 3.72 million two wheelers units, almost double then Bajaj, who managed to sold 1.28 million units. Bajaj Auto is the countryââ¬â¢s largest exporter of two- and three-wheelers. During 2008-2009, Bajaj Autoââ¬â¢s international sales achieved an all-time high of 772,519 units of two and three wheelers, representing a growth of 25% over the previous year. (Sources: Automobile Industry report -2012, India). Though, there is a huge difference in terms of selling units between three major players of Indiaââ¬â¢s two wheelers, their growth rate is almost similar to each other. Hero Honda Motors enjoys 15.4% growth in 2012, and it was followed by TVS Motor and Bajaj Auto with 13.3% and 13.2% respectively. (Sources: Annual reports of Bajaj Auto, Hero Honda Motors and TVS Motors-2012). In plant wise capacity Bajaj Auto clearly out plays its competitors. Bajaj Auto has 4 active plants compare to 3 of each for Hero Honda motors and TVS Motors. Therefore Bajaj has upper hand in terms of number of unitsââ¬â¢ productions. Bajaj Autoââ¬â¢s plants are capable of producing 5 million units of vehicles compares to Hero Hondaââ¬â¢s 4.75 million and TVSââ¬â¢ 4 . 50 million of units. (Sources: Automobile Industry report-2012, India). Adopted from Automobile Industry report-2012, India. 2.0 Market Entry Bajaj Auto is highly recognised company throughout the world and has vastly experienced management team. In addition, it has its own technology labs, engineering colleges and very strong labour power. Apart from having a fair amount of domestic market share, it is a leading exporter of India. Bajaj is famous for manufacturing two and three wheelers which have good fuel efficiency and strong outer body and comes in very cheap prise compares to other manufacturers. It is right time for the company to move forward and make its own base in well developed country like The USA, which help company to reduce the good amount of money spent on exporting its products to Latin America and Africa and moreover, America itself has huge crowd who are struggling with current worldwide economic downfall and looking for cheap available options. 2.1 Reason for Entering Into the USA Market PESTLE analysis is an useful analysis tool to evaluate future plans and it helps organisations like Bajaj Auto who is going to enter in new business environment to understand the risk associated with its next move .PESTLE helps company to analyse its position, potential and direction in new market place. 2.1.1 Political Situation of the USA It is very important to assess political condition of new working field before moving abroad. It helps company like Bajaj to make its business strategy. America is strong democratic country like India the motherland of Bajaj Auto and this will work companyââ¬â¢s favour as it knows the pros and cons of such a political environment. 2.1.2 Economy The US has the largest and most technologically powerful economy of the world, with per capita GDP of $49,800. US Business companies have more flexibility than any other part of the world in decision to expand their capita plant. . At the same time, they face higher barriers to enter their rivals home markets than foreign firms face entering US markets. It is lucrative industry to enter for foreign company like Bajaj Auto. 2.1.3 Social Americaââ¬â¢s population is 316,668,567 which consist of 79.96% white, black 12.85%, Asian 4.43%. 40.2% of Americaââ¬â¢s population is 25-54years old. 82% population is urbanised and an annual urbanisation rate is 1.2%. 99% of total population is literate. 2.1.4 Technological highly diversified, world leading, high-technology innovator, second largest industrial output in world; petroleum, steel, motor vehicles, aerospace, telecommunications, chemicals, electronics, food processing, consumer goods, lumber, mining. Bajaj Auto will enjoy a good amount of success due to technological expansion of the company which is comparably low in India. 2.1.5 Legal America has strong, fast legal system which gives every individual a fair chance to appeal decision of the court. Supreme court is the highest body who makes the final verdict on any legal issue. 2.1.6 Environment Air pollution resulting in acid rain in the US ; the US is the largest single emitter of carbon dioxide from the burning of fossil fuels; water pollution from runoff of pesticides and fertilizers; limited natural freshwater resources in much of the western part of the country require careful management; desertification. Bajaj Auto developed the technology in recent years and some of its vehicles run on CNG and LPG which reduce the amount of carbon dioxide. This technology gives company an edge over its competitors to gain confidence of the US government to enter into their market. (Sources: 2.2Market Attractiveness DIAMOND MODEL Source: Porter, M. (1990) 2.2.1 Firm strategy, structure and rivalry As mentioned earlier, Bajaj Auto is famous for producing light weight two and three wheelers vehicles which have good fuel efficiency and strong body and itââ¬â¢s new for American population. There is no strong competitor in market at the present that can threat the position of Bajaj Auto in its production range. Bajaj Auto manufactures couple of motorbikes like Pulsar, Duke, and Discover which is heavy but it will not be a good idea to launch them in America as Harley Davidson, Yamaha motors, Kawasaki motors have strong hold on American customers. Bajaj Auto follows hierarchical strategy which resulted in advantages within industries and it helps company to gain upper hand in competition with major players. 2.2.2 Demand Conditions Light motorcycles, the summary say, will outperform other ICE product types and maintain their position as the largest single segment of the motorcycle market in America. This will be due to several factors, including the fastest population growth of any region, the lowest median age and the lowest (but climbing) per-capita GDP. (Source: world demand motorcycles grow). This is good future aspect for Bajaj Auto to succeed in international adventure. 2.2.3 Factor Endowment America has strong and large factor endowments compare to Western Europe. The US has comparative advantages of skilled workers, infrastructure, open market entry for international companies, natural resource and technology. Romalis (2004) provides a quasi-Rybczynski prediction, ââ¬Å"if a country accumulates a factor more rapidly than rest of the world, then that countryââ¬â¢s production and exports will systematically shift toward that more intensively use that factor.â⬠The US has well developed technology when it comes to motorbike industry and that attracts Bajaj Auto to gain an entry in this market. 2.2.4 Related and Supporting Industries The US is rich in producing natural resources like iron, lead, petroleum, natural gas. In addition America has the world largest coal reserve with 491 billion short tons accounting for 27% of the worldââ¬â¢s total.(Source: Strong supply chain of motorbikes engines parts, raw material for motorbike body, leather and machineries are always key factors in success of automobile business and America provides all these features to Bajaj Auto. 2.3 2.3.1 Target Market Young, universitiesââ¬â¢ students, African and Asian immigrants, middle class families and small vendors should be first priority as a target market for Bajaj Auto as they share large number of total American population (see 2.1.3). Above mention customers have limited resources of income and other responsibilities and therefore they always look out for cheap available option. The kind of two and three wheelers Bajaj Auto produces are low in prise and have high fuel efficiency. These two points will work in companyââ¬â¢s favour and manage to pull big crowd. Once company get established, it can launch the range of heavy weight vehicles to provide competition to giants like Yamaha, Royal Enfield, Honda and Harley Davidson.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
The Function Of Prophecy In Old Testament Theology Religion Essay
The Function Of Prophecy In Old Testament Theology Religion Essay Prophets have always been surrounded by an aura of mystery. Because they were intermediaries between the human and divine worlds, prophets appeared to their hearers as terrifying yet magnetic and fascinating figures. Throughout the history of Western civilization, whenever these divinely inspired individuals have appeared, attempts have been made to penetrate the mystery that surrounds them. The focus of many of these attempts has been the Old Testament prophets who have traditionally functioned as models for the elucidation of other prophetic phenomenon. How prophets were viewed: Prophets were viewed as channels through which divine messages reached the ordinary world and through which humans could gain direct access to the divine. Therefore, the prophetic intermediaries appeared in any society which believed in the existence of divine powers capable of communicating with human beings.Ã [1]Ã However, within societies and groups, the behaviour of prophets tended to follow traditional, well-defined patterns. This behavior varied from society to society. Within a given society or group, prophetic behavior usually conformed to the expected norms. In the Old Testament we can find that the prophets receive divine messages and translate them into human terms and communicating them, using traditional speech forms and actions. This task indicates that they are functioning as prophets and the message they bring, comes from the divine realm.Ã [2]Ã Isaiah as a prophet: Similarly, Isaiah who is one of the great prophets, exercised his prophetic ministry during the reigns of Uzziah (783-742 BC), Jotham ( 742-735), Ahaz ( 735-715) and Hezekiah (715-687). The vision which is recorded in Chapter 6 was the one which constituted the call of Isaiah to be a prophet. It has sometimes been said that Isaiah must have belonged to the aristocracy of the capital because he knew the ways of the court and had ready access to the presence of the king when he had need. A prophet of the stature of Isaiah must have made himself a well-known member of the Jerusalem community and one whose words were treated with great respect.Ã [3]Ã The book of Isaiah, one of the longer units in the Hebrew Bible, comprises prophetic material in verse and prose collected over a period of at least half a millennium. In the opening chapter of Isaiah we catch echoes of Amos here and there, not least in the contrast between the sacrificial cult and the demands of social justice ( Isa. 1:12-17) which would fit better the early stage of Isaiahs career. There is also reminiscent of Amos in his condemnation of the ruling classes who grind the face of the poor (Isa. 3:15) and reflects a lack of concern for traditional moral values of the women of Jerusalem ( Isa. 3:16-17,24-26; cf. The poem on divine judgment (Isa. 2:6-22) restates for the befit of Judah the central message of Amos : that the God of Israel has now abandoned his people and left them at the mercy of history.Ã [4]Ã And Isaiah was taking up where Amos left. He is more explicit than Amos in his reference to the Assyrians and the role they were destined to play in Israels future ( Isa. 5:26-30). Social, cultural and political situation during the time of Isaiah: Before the time of Omri and Ahab, kings of Israel about a century before Isaiah received his call to be a prophet, the history of the kingdoms of Israel and Judah after the death of Solomon had been an unimpressive record of petty squabbles, and events of very local significance. But these two kings saw the folly of such behaviour o the part of two politically weak kingdoms, which, in face of an aggressive policy by a great power such as Assyria or Egypt, could hope to survive only by the combined military resources of an alliance of western states, in which they had part. Israel was the dominant partner. In every age political and commercial bargaining was successful done from a position of strength. With Israels considerable increase in national wealth owing to the opening up of profitable avenues of trade, s development which, in turn, widened the social gap between the wealthy, upper class in Israelite society and the poor peasants.Ã [5]Ã Such a situation was liable to recur whenever Israel entered into a close relation of association with, or, even more, of dependence on, a people greater in power than itself, and it was the main reason for the warning which the prophets repeatedly gave against any policy. In a way not paralleled in the activity of the other great prophets whose utterances have a place in the Old Testament canon, Isaiah took a very prominent part in the national crises of the days through which he lived. Isaiah as a Judge: In spite of the fact that judgment spoken of as if it were inevitable, that does not exclude from Isaiahs preaching the note of pleading and entreaty calling upon the people to return. This is found several times in chapter 1 (5, 16 f., 18 f.). It is Isaiahs conviction that for all this sinfulness a day of judgment is coming. God is not mocked; men cannot disobey his will with impunity. The land will be desolated. Lebanon will become a heath, fruitful places like Carmel and Sharon will become a wilderness, men and cattele will be few Time after time Assyria is specified as the instrument by which the judgment will accomplished.Ã [6]Ã Isaiah often declares his confidence that, however devastating the judgment may be, a remnant of the people will survive. Out of the stump of the tree new life will come. The glory will have departed, the comeliness will have perished, the new shoot will be a miracle of renewed life; but therein is the hope of the people and therein lies the possibility of the continuance of their work and witness. That conviction on the part of Isaiah may be related to the fact that even in human relations a complete obliteration of an individual or a people was guarded against with very great care ( cf. Deut. 25.5; Ruth 4.10 f., Amos 1.6,9). The doctrine of surviving remnant in turn is related to the fact that whereas the prophet can speak in terms of a judgment upon the whole people, he can, at the same time and without any sense of contradiction, speak of a discriminating judgment in which a distinction will be made between the righteous and the wicked ( Isa. 1. 27 f.; 3.10 f.; cf. 28.23-29). At this point Isaiah though of the necessary cleansing of the peoples as consisting substantiality of restoring in them a former righteousness and purity which had become corrupted; he comes near to describing it as a renewal of the wilderness ideal.Ã [7]Ã The message and the people Isaiah spoke to and spoke about: The postexilic community was concerned with their identity and self-understanding. Their existence as a people was threatened by the consequences of the catastrophe of exile and loss of national independence. There were other Jewish communities, and perhaps provinces, in close proximity to Judah, for example in Samaria and Transjordan, and far away, for away for example in Egypt and Babylon. Isaiah presents a vision for these people to understand themselves, their God and their world. The vision spans past, present and future. Israel as a people participates in this story ( Isa. 1.2-9; 4.2-6) and, at the same time, Israel is comprised of wicked and righteous, oppressors and the oppressed ( Isa. 1.19-23, 27-28; 3.13-15). Isaiah gives a clear picture of distinction between good and evil that is at points applied to over against the nations can be applied to Israel itself. Righteous versus wicked behaviour is the important point. There is no doubt in Isaiah about the radical separation of good and evil. What is in doubt, indeed, what is denied, is the equation of these absolute categories with actual human groups, whether defined in religious or political terms. Isaiah represents his vision as a Quasi-drama dominated by dramatic speeches. Even the narrative sections in chapter 6 provide settings for further speeches. The characters are not presented as distinct and historical individuals. They are constructs in the grand poetic work of Isaiah. Israel, for example, is masculine singular ( 1.4), masculine plural ( 1.5-6) and feminine singular ( 1.21-26), where one can see that Israel is judged and condemned, desolate and devastated, and comforted and redeemed.Ã [8]Ã Books Joseph Blenkinsopp, A History of Prophecy in Israel ( Louisville, KY: Westminster John Knox Press, 1996) James Luther Mays and Paul J. Achtemeier. Early Israelite prophecy: Interpreting the prophets, ed., Philadelphia : Fortress Press, c1987. Mauchline, John. John Mauchline, Isaiah 1-39 , (London : SCM Press, 1962), p. Peter D. Miscall, Isaiah ( Sheffield: JSOT Press, 1993). P.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Leadership Essay -- Synergistic Leadership Theory
Introduction According to Northouse (2009), leadership is a concept of multi-dimensional facets inclusive of skill, ability, inherent qualities, behaviors, and relationships. All or some of these dimensions may be observed in an individual that possesses leadership potential in different combinations and can be recognized when intent to make a change in an organization is for the greater good (2009). Even with good intentions and desires for positive changes, pathways to leadership can be locked with long periods of time and laborious experiences. The male gender, White males in particular and majority in the United States, have dominated the field of leadership therefore creating psychological barriers that excellence, potential, and aptitude enviably are tied to the male- gender (Jackson, Engstron, & Emmers-Sommer, 2007). Many explorations and developments allure to leadership theories centered around White male-gender prototypes, establishing ideologies ostensible to that same race and gender, signifying status and power, and mentioning minimal influences aspired by females and minorities. The speculations thereof have caused females and minorities to experienced delayed or non-existent advancements in managerial of leadership roles (2007). Recent literature more readily discusses cues that are suggestive of race and male-oriented ideologies of leadership as data depicts possibilities for setting apart females or minorities that may have potential and creditability for top leadership positions. Two articles, The Synergistic Leadership Theory (SLT), (Irby, Brown, Duffy, and Trautman, 2001) and the White Standard: Racial Bias in Leader Categorization (Rosette, and Phillips, 2008) probe female and minority presence ... from predispositions about behaviors. Subtle aversive racism derived from negative stereotypes continues to lay biases among female and minorities. Leadership prototypes that refer to being White as being ââ¬Å"theâ⬠stereotypical characteristic nevertheless existent and lay constructs that affect minorities and not mentioned in these investigation, female minorities. To many instances occur in leadership where individuals in power set the organizationââ¬â¢s culture or create biases that undermine the acceptance of leadership potential and follower 7 support. Research that ignores leadership traits, values, behaviors, abilities, and skills establishes, to the contrary, data based on traditional beliefs about any group not excluding the aged, female minorities, and others, is soaked in attitudes given by the majority and questionable.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Miss america speech
Miss America Central Idea: My passion and dream of wanting to be Miss America since I was little. Introduction 1. Getting to know the crowd, story about when I was younger 2. Talk about my performance, how I was miss NM, and how much this means to me now. A. Favorite movie miss congeniality b. Miss NM opportunity came along c. Being famous was my dream as a kid 3. Transition into main body Main body 4. My Performance a. Swimsuit competition/ evening wear b. Question/answer: Interview c. Talent (slinger/rapper) Fancy by Gigs Azalea Featuring Charlie XX 4. Translator Into Idea 2 .What this means to me now a. It's an honor to represent my country as Miss America b. Great to support my platform for raising awareness for Susan G. Keen Foundation Breast Cancer awareness is one of the most important causes of our lifetime c. Show people that a small town girl from new Mexico can do great things in their life. Quote ââ¬Å"Hope is not a dream but a way of making dreams become reality. ââ¬Å "- James Woman 6. Transition into idea 3 7. Miss New Mexico a. Being miss Los Alamos b. Getting to compete In the state level and willing c. Preparing for the MISS America competitionConclusion Thanks to: -judges -fans/people who believed in me -my home town of LA/ the state of NM Special thanks to my parents who believed in me and who gave me some pretty amazing genes which I believe contributed to helping me win. Speech my whole lifeâ⬠¦ But it's still a huge shock so bear with me. Okay. So here I am. I know people always say they've dreamt about this moment since they were a kid or whatever. I seriously did, though. Like, Vie pretended I was giving this speech more times than I can count, except my audience was a bunch of stuffed animals instead of real life audience.Its been my dream to be miss America since I first saw my favorite movie, miss congeniality, when I was little. Then one day the opportunity came along and boom! The next thing I know IM standing here wearing a mi ss NM sash when I hear the hosts voice saying, ââ¬Å"and our new miss America isâ⬠¦. Miss new Mexico! â⬠I couldn't have accomplished this without tracing it back to first becoming miss Los Alamos in my home town, to then getting the opportunity to compete at the state level and happening to win. Being miss NM is a huge opportunity I never thought would come along.Getting that chance was an honor and I couldn't have been more excited to experience that amazing opportunity. Im so thankful to everyone who has helped me in this Journey. My vocal coach was a huge inspiration for me and his guidance helped me master my song of choice, Fancy by Gigs Azalea. Vie always enjoyed rapping since I was little so it seemed fit that that's what I would do for my talent. Im also very thankful to my trainer who helped me get my killer swimsuit body and six pack abs for the swimsuit competition where is where I scored most of my points by the way.I would also like to touch on the fact that the question/ answer section was probably my favorite part. A recap for those that don't remember, I was asked about my motivation for being here and my answer was my mom and grandma. I talked about their battle with breast cancer and how that made me realize how much we take for granted. Which brings me into the fact that I am so honored to be here and grateful for this opportunity which will help raise money and awareness for the Susan g conman foundation. Breast Cancer awareness is one of the most important causes of our lifetime right now and means the world to me.Its an amazing feeling to represent my country as the new miss America and this shows how a small town girl from new Mexico can and did accomplish her dream when she put her mind to it. As James Woman said, ââ¬Å"Hope is not a dream but a way of making thanks. The Judges, my fellow contestants who became very close friends ,to my fans, my hometown of la, the state of NM and especially my parents who believed in me and who gave me some pretty amazing genes which I believe contributed to helping me win. You all have given me the chance to live my passion and dream, and I thank you all sincerely from the bottom of my heart.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Brief Biography of Adolf Hitler essays
Brief Biography of Adolf Hitler essays Adolf Hitler was a brilliant man, but his twisted thoughts and hunger for power was the key to his downfall. Most people do not realize how intelligent he was. But how many people could turn a country like Germany, with its economy in ruins, into a great empire that would rival the rest of the world's super-powers such as the United States, Great Britain, and France. Hitler attained political power through his association with the Nazi party and his skillfulness as a politician. In 1930, Hitler moved to Munich, Germany. The Austrian Army called on him for a physical examination, but was found unfit for service. World War I began in August of 1914. Hitler immediately volunteered for service in the German Army and was accepted. He served bravely as a messenger on the Western Front for most of the war, taking part in some of the bloodiest battles. He was wounded and twice decorated for bravery. When Germany surrendered in 1918, he was in a military hospital recovering from temporary blindness that resulted from his exposure to mustard gas in an ill-planned mustard gas attack on the Americans. He was deeply shaken by news of the armistice. He believed that the unity of that German nation was threatened, and that he must attempt to save Germany. After World War I, Germany was forced to sign the Treaty of Versailles. The treaty held Germany responsible for the war. It stripped the nation of much territory and restricted the German Army to 100,000 men. The harshest part was the enormous payments for war damages. The demands were so great that the German government went deep into debt. This angered the German people, and Hitler as well. After healing from the mustard gas, he returned to Munich. Six months before leaving the army, Adolf began attending meetings of a small nationalist group called the German Worker's Party. Later this group becomes known as the Nazi Party. In March 1920 Adolf leaves the army. ...
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